Spy Wikia
Spy Wikia
Susan Cooper
Susan Cooper
Susan Cooper (2015)
Basic Information
Status: Alive
Age: 40
Alias(es): Carol Jenkins
Penny Morgan
Suely Poltergeist
Francis Mays
Affiliation: CIA
Profession: CIA Agent
Teacher (formerly)
Family Information
Significant other(s): Lover:
Rick Ford
Played by: Melissa McCarthy
First appearance: Spy
Appears in: 1 film

Susan Cooper is a CIA agent.


Susan was a teacher but was looking for a more exciting life so decided to change careers and join the CIA.

CIA service[]

Susan was a promising CIA recruit who was top in her class at the Academy in all computer and support skills. She trained a full agent and showed her intense side during a firearms training exercise where she went on a rampage. Bradley Fine was Susan’s mentor at The Farm and he “sniped” her convincing her to be his handler/personal assistant.

Behind the Scenes[]

Susan Cooper was portrayed by Melissa McCarthy in Spy.


  • Spy logo Spy (First appearance)